Lesser of Two Evils; Celebrate

Bernie-Sanders-Called-Communist-by-New-York-PostSome people are fussing ‘why do we always have to vote for the lesser of two evils?’ Well, Romans 3:23. (For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.) If there is a candidate out there that you think isn’t an ‘evil’, maybe you just don’t know enough about him yet.

Then there is this: the ‘evil’ side of candidates is newsworthy. If a candidate says something the news guys think will get that candidate in Big Trouble, that is Big News and the news guys will cover it to death. If a candidate does something nice or kind or humane— media silence. Not news worthy. So by the time we get from the primaries to the general election, any candidate left standing is a greater or lesser evil.

We need to grow up and realize that no candidate is perfect. Moreover, no candidate can deliver on promises that don’t make sense (free college for all.) More voters need to educate themselves instead of relying on the media to propagandize them, and find a candidate and a party platform they can get behind based on issues, not media hype.

Celebrate blog hopCelebrate the Small Stuff: http://lexacain.blogspot.com/2015/01/celebrate-small-things.html

Today I’m celebrating doing the A to Z challenge last month. I didn’t post every day, but I posted a number of days and mostly stuck to my topic, zombie apocalypse. I got some good comments, even though I was taken off the blogroll for no reason I could figure out. And I’m blogging more as a result. This month, I chose 3 topics with the intent of rotating through those topics over the course of the month. Will I get blog readers? I don’t know. But at least I’ll be blogging.


 ĉar ĉiuj pekis kaj maltrafis la gloron de Dio;


gloro = glory
pekis = sinned
ĉar = because

Why don’t folks just LISTEN to Donald Trump?

donald-trumpThink about the things you know about Presidential candidate Donald Trump. How many of them do you actually KNOW are true?

Time after time I’ve heard the mainstream media blaring about Trump: Trump said THIS! Trump is THAT!  Only when you come to check the story out, there is a problem.

The news guys have a technique to spread disinformation. They will have a story— so-and-so said this shocking thing. But they don’t run the tape of so-and-so saying the unforgivable thing. They show a picture of so-and-so while the reporter tells you what so-and-so said and what that means. Often, there is no clear-cut divide between the alleged quote and the reporter’s opinion of what it really means.

This technique is used often with Donald Trump. Often, if the video of the event ever is shown, you can see the quote wasn’t quite accurate or meant something different in the original context. Sometimes the quote isn’t even from Trump, but was a statement/question from a hostile reporter, which is attributed to Trump because the man failed to reject what the reporter said loudly enough.

That’s why I listen to Trump speeches and rallies in their long form whenever I can. You just can’t trust the media— not even Fox News— to give you the accurate story in their sound bites.  I invite every reader of this blog to do the same. Listen to the candidates’ WHOLE speeches, townhalls, interviews and rallies. Don’t let the media do your thinking for you. If you are a grownup and/or old enough to vote, this is what you must do.

Disclaimer: I came into this campaign season supporting Fiorina and/or Carson. I warmed up to Cruz later. I’m not thrilled with Trump because of his weakness on life issues and his failure to reject Big Government. But, better him than Mrs. Bill Clinton or Comrade Sanders.

Celebrate; Important Political Announcement

Barack-Obama-in-The-Lying-King--110199In honor of today’s national holiday, I am making this announcement: I am GIVING UP my writing forever, even though I have 3 good works-in-progress.

I am going to devote the rest of my life to starting a new political party, the American Monarchist Party. We will amend the US Constitution to replace the President with a King or Queen. We will ask all the remaining royal families of the Earth to donate spare genetic material and create our first Monarch in a test tube.

Until our Monarch comes of age at age 31 (another new Constitutional Amendment), I volunteer for the thankless task of serving as Regent and exercising absolute power. (Run and hide, Disney.) So, in 2016, forget the Dems, the Communist dude and the GOP. Vote Monarchist!


This is a post in the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop. Sign up here: http://lexacain.blogspot.com/2015/01/celebrate-small-things.html


I have just been reminded about the A to Z blogging challenge which starts TODAY. I will post the first post in that later today. Can’t decide on a theme and am open to suggestions. Thinking of doing politics, zombie apocalypse, or both.



Is Donald Trump Lying about his Church Attendance?

TrumpMany people who favor Donald Trump as a presidential candidate excuse some of the harsh and cruel things Trump says from time to time by saying that Trump is just being honest. But is he?

Trump, when asked about his church affiliation, named a church and says he goes there ‘a lot’. But the church says he is not an active member. He also claims to love the Bible but couldn’t name a favorite Bible verse. My concern about that is that he may be deceiving people by making these claims about his church activity and Bible reading to get votes.

I think a truly honest man would say ‘I only rarely get to church because of my business activities’ and ‘I don’t have time in my busy life to read the Bible as often as I should.’ Because if a man is any sort of a faithful Christian he certainly would not want to claim a level of church attendance and Bible reading he hadn’t achieved.

I wish that some fair-minded reporters who don’t hate the GOP and who want to give Trump a fair chance would look in to some of the claims Trump makes. For example, Trump says he has given up his former pro-abort position and now is prolife— though he won’t defund the Planned Parenthood abortion mills.

Someone should find out which prolife organizations Trump has given donations to, and which prolife protests and events he has attended. And which prolife leaders he has met with personally.

I am bothered when prolife Christian people proclaim that Trump is the only honest candidate and the only one who will take prolife actions such as defund Planned Parenthood. These people need to do their homework and investigate Trump and the other candidates. Christians believe we live in a fallen world, tainted by human sin. We should keep that in mind and not give any political candidate automatic trust. As Ronald Reagan said, trust but verify.

Even if Trump turns out to be a honest Christian man who has developed strong connections with the prolife community, it is wise at this point in the political game to have more than one candidate on your list. Any one candidate could have to drop out of the race for any number of reasons. Or pass away from an unexpected heart attack. We need to be prepared to support other candidates in the event our guy isn’t the nominee. Remember, it may have been people who stayed home on election day because of a dislike of Mitt Romney that gave us a second Obama term.

Source Article:

The Blaze: The Church That Donald Trump Says he Goes To ‘A Lot’ Says He’s Not An ‘Active Member.’

To be fair to Trump, we must remember that the church may have a different idea of what going to church ‘a lot’ means than a busy businessman like Donald Trump. And there may be a political ax to grind, especially if the congregation is affiliated with the liberal Presbyterian body that accepts abortion, gay marriage, and varying definitions of the role of Jesus Christ. We have to ‘trust but verify’ with church spokesmen, too.