Women never die from botched adoptions

I have been reading about yet another case where an abortionist has killed a woman in a botched abortion. It’s a common story. There is even a movie about it: the Gosnell movie about serial killer abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

If you are connected with the prolife movement online, you hear these stories all the time. But you know what I never hear? I’ve never heard a single story where a woman or girl has died from a botched adoption. 

Adoption is the unspeakable option to the point that when people are advocating for the kill-babies-by-abortion movement, they never mention that option. It’s either abort right now for a big fee at our Planned Parenthood clinic, or have the baby and quit school and be a single mom. What happened to the adoption option?

Adoption is the safe option. Why don’t we speak about this? Having an abortion is like smoking a cigarette (tobacco or other,) mainlining heroin, or eating sugar right from the bag by the tablespoonful. It’s a health risk we don’t have to take!

It’s a win-win situation. You get a loving home for your baby, you get to finish school and live your life, and you have the option of making yourself available when the kid grows up and having a relationship with the kid. And you don’t have to change a single diaper!

It’s becoming clearer to me that the feminism/pro-abort movement isn’t about helping women, it’s about making money for abortion clinic chains like Planned Parenthood. Because if you cared about the actual women/girls and their physical and mental health, you would at least not ban mention of the adoption possibility.

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My MeWe pro-marriage (Man + Woman + Marriage) group: https://mewe.com/join/defendtradmarriage-biologytheology

My ‘gab’ page: https://gab.com/nissalovescats

Coming soon: my personal tutorial on how to use MeWe.

Getting bullied over the hashtag #womenagainstfeminism


OK, maybe I’m just weird. But I hate being expected to be a feminist and love feminism just because I have female genitals. I mean, are guys expected to be ‘masculinists’ and vote for male candidates when they hate those candidates’ policies? Unfair!

On Twitter, I used the #womenagainstfeminism hashtag once, and boy did that unleash the trolls. One woman roared that women like me ought not be allowed to vote. Sorry, I’m going to keep my vote– and I thought feminists were in favor of votes for women. But maybe they want to limit that to FEMINIST women— so women will not have equality unless they support the full feminist bill of goods, including abortion and including biological males calling themselves ‘transgender’ and being allowed to compete in women’s sports. (If ‘transgender’ men can’t compete with other men in sports, maybe they should have a sports classification for themselves. Because some biological women want to have women’s sports for some reason.)

I don’t understand people like that. If I disagree with people on Twitter I usually ignore them or unfollow them. Once in a great while I do express an opinion, but I try to be polite. Except when I’m dealing with a bullying ‘athiest’ I do correct spelling!

If you are on Twitter and you want attention, do try the hashtag #womenagainstfeminism . It ticks off all the right (Left?) people!

My Twitter page: @nissalovescats

My MeWe page: https://mewe.com/profile/5bb89aaca40f3041e094d560

My (neglected) ‘gab’ page: https://gab.ai/nissalovescats

I do intend to use that ‘forbidden’ hashtag more often. Because of the ‘speaking truth to power’ thing. And because I no longer care if I get banned from Twitter.

Avoiding anti-male bigotry with the Reverse Bechdel Test

International symbol of masculinity

In the July/August 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest, on page 8, is an article called ‘Girl Talk’ which touts the ‘Bechdel Test’ as a way to write more feminist fiction. Yeah, ick.

The Bechdel test is actually familiar to me. It originated in a Lesbian comic strip, ‘Dykes to Watch Out For,’ that I used to read at a time I was not a Christian. I must confess it’s hard for me to take a comic-inspired test seriously.

Now, the common feminist belief is that the writing world is actively hostile to women. But there are actual genres out there that are JUST for women readers and women writers. Romance novels, chick-lit, Lesbian fiction…. there’s nothing quite like that just-for-guys. And anti-male sexism is rampant in these women-only forms of literature.


How many works of WOMEN’S fiction would pass a reverse Bechdel test? Here are the rules:
1. The work must have two men in it.
2. They must speak to one another.
3. They must speak about something other than a woman.


OK, think about the last women’s romance novel you read (traditional or Lesbian.) Who were the men in it? Did they talk to each other? About something other than a woman? I think a lot of romances wouldn’t measure up as masculinist fiction. (And if all women need to be feminists, why shouldn’t all males have to be ‘masculinist’ and let a men’s movement shape all their opinions for them?)


Most of the time, the men in a romance novel talk about the fictional heroine. The talk may be complimentary, or it may be harsh. If harsh, the man is probably either a villain, or the love interest who is destined to change his mind. All males in women’s fiction are destined to serve the pleasure of the female reader. Quite literally the pleasure, in the case of the misnamed ‘sexy romance’ novel. (It’s actually not romance at all, but sex fiction with a requirement for 3 full-on sex scenes per novel.)

As for Lesbian romances? Many might as well take place on a planet with an all-female population. In fact, one of the Lesbian novels I own DOES take place on a planet with an all-female population. That one would flunk the Reverse Bechdel Test bigtime.


But wait a minute. There are much more important tests your fiction REALLY has to pass that are about more important things than if your work rigidly conforms to this year’s ideas about ‘diversity.’ (No one has suggested a test to create ‘diverse’ fiction which portrays political conservatives, American Republicans, or prolife persons as human beings entitled to respect and a lack of bullying.)

The real test of your novel’s plot is this: Are all the actions, characters and conversations in the plot furthering the plot? If you put in a scene with two unconnected women in your thriller novel discussing how much they want Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren for our next president, it may help your novel pass the Bechdel Test, but if it doesn’t help any of your characters find the terrorist nuclear device hidden in the center of Washington, DC, that conversation has no real place in your novel. Cut it, unless you have a readership that demands feminist ideology and doesn’t care about plot. (Sadly, there probably are no readerships that don’t care about plot.)

March for Life 2016, fighting the evils of abortion & euthanasia

The March for Life is on today, and I’m watching the coverage on EWTN, the Catholic television channel. And it’s sad that so many people will refuse to watch the March and find out what the March is about. So many people don’t even know that the ‘Roe’ from the Roe v. Wade decision is now prolife. They don’t know how many young people like Lila Rose have become prolife advocates. And they don’t know about the Black Genocide— the fact that nearly 1 out of every 2 Black babies conceived dies by abortion.

I was not always prolife. During my youthful Marxist phase I was feminist and pro-abortion. From my childhood to my college years I had been prolife, and could not conceive of thinking any other way. My ‘conversion’ was not caused by discovering new facts about abortion and about when biological human life begins. It came because I was embracing a new way of political thinking, and abortion was a required part of being a Marxist and a feminist. The root cause of all these changes in my thinking was based more on being mad at God for not being what I wanted God to be, and in part because I had realized I had a gay sexual orientation and thought I would be an outcast from any Christian church that was worth joining.

I later discovered how false that is. When I joined the Catholic church I told people I was gay, and though I was already living a chaste life I didn’t expect to become ‘ex-gay’. No one said I couldn’t join the church. Some said kind things like ‘you are so brave!’ That isn’t entirely true, but you sure need a good dose of courage to be ‘out’ as a chaste, conservative and Catholic gay woman. Left-wingers would have eaten me alive if I had let them.

I think the most important thing to remember on the day of the March for Life is that we who are prolife cherish all life— even the lives of people who defend abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. We don’t hate women who have had abortions, since many post-abortive women are now cherished members of the prolife movement. We can be civil even to those of our fellow humans who earn a living as abortionist. We pray for them, and for the day when they repent and go to their first March for Life.

The feminist/proabortion movement can’t attain that level of civility, but we can’t really expect that. When you have decided that some human beings— those in the womb– can legally be killed, you can’t be expected to place as high a value on civil behavior. I respect the feminists right to their extreme opinions. But I won’t be a part of what they believe any more, which is why I am a Woman Against Feminism. (Angry feminists, please feel free to express your rage in the comments. Remembering to keep it clean or it won’t get published.)

Questions: Have you ever been to a March for Life? Or done any other prolife activity? What was it like?

Poem of the Day

I’m starting this blog feature appending poems to blog posts by offending everyone: I am sharing one of my own poems first, and it is a prolife poem decrying forced abortion and governmental control of childbearing in China. The poem used to be called ‘one child policy’, now, due to a change in China’s policy, the title has changed.

two child policy

while they are waiting
for the poison shot
chinese women sit together
and talk of small things

*there are beetles among my squash plants.*
*i need new knitting patterns.*

Nissa Annakindt 2013 – sijo (a Korean poetic form, similar to haiku)

To learn more about sijo poetry: http://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/sijo-poetic-form